

Our project support services provide assistance to our clients’ existing teams in key roles:



Project Planning – Project initiation and planning are typically the first phases of a project lifecycle where key decisions are made that drive the project toward success. Initiation and planning involves creating a suite of planning documents to help guide the team throughout the project. Corpus Consulting’s Project Management Support Methodology provides robust tools and templates that simplify the process, improve decision quality and accelerate the time-to-plan for even the most complex projects.


Valuation & Modeling – Justification for a project requires sound financial and  conomic reasoning supported by analysis of key value metrics such as net present  alue (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), return on investment (ROI) and payback period. In order to provide this analysis, an Excel-based model is created in a logical format that includes sound architecture, coding and testing that leads to easy-tounderstand output supporting quality decision making.


Cost Management – We deliver estimates of costs and provide controls to stay within budget by assisting with both cost estimating and cost control, which are both fundamental to any project or program financial plan.

  • Financial Planning – The Financial Plan is a key document required to estimate and control costs. We can either create or assist with the development of a program or project’s detailed financial plan. The financial plan includes the costs likely to be incurred on the project and provides a schedule of the timeframe in which those costs will be incurred.
  • Cost Control – We believe cost control is essential to recognizing variances from the financial plan in order to take corrective action and minimize project risks. With a financial plan in place, we monitor the status of the program and/or project to update the project costs and manage changes to the cost baseline. Cost control also involves analyzing the relationship between consumption of program/project funds to the physical work being accomplished for such expenditures.




Supply Chain Management
Effective supply chain management is critical to a project’s success when a scope of work is outsourced to external suppliers to meet project objectives. If supplier management support is needed by clients, we can assist by following a client’s established procurement processes and/or leverage the tools and templates we’ve developed.

Activities include:

  1. Defining a Selection Process to select the preferred suppliers
  2. Issuing a Statement of Work to document the procurement requirements of the project. Issuing a Request for Information to a group of potential suppliers to allow them to register their interest in supplying the project
  3. Issuing a Request for Proposal to a short-list of suppliers to allow them to submit a formal proposal for supplying the project
  4. Negotiating Supplier Contracts to agree on a set of responsibilities, terms and conditions for the supply of products to the project