A private equity investment is generally be made by a private equity firm, a venture capital firm or an angel investor. We have many partners in our network which are Private Equity Firms, Funds for specific Industry, General Funds, and Venture Capitalists. We help them grow their Portfolio, by helping them park investments in a growing company. We help our clients and PE Investor by providing deals from raising or restructuring capital, buying or selling a business, making strategic and policy decisions based on value. We strive to provide objective advice to our clients, challenge conventional wisdom and employ creativity and skill in helping devise and execute a favourable outcome. We help clients to assess the strategic fit of a business by evaluating potential synergies, project-managing the steps, assisting in negotiations and financial models, and in measuring transaction implications.

We work with you to achieve your strategic objectives across various deals like:-

  • Strategic Investment
  • Leveraged Buyout
  • Mergers
  • Disposals