Debt is financing your fund need with an obligation to pay back to the borrower. We at Corpus assist clients raise any form of debt:-


General Finance

Corporate Credit Services

Finance is a requirement of the growing businesses and we help our customers borrow funds from our partner banks and NBFC’s by reducing the complexities of the borrowing process. We help our partner banks to evaluate & assess the credit worthiness of our clients Certain corporates required industry specific credit services for some special transactions or projects. We help our clients to raise foreign currency funding or other such funding with our network partners.
  • Loan Against Property
  • Working Capital Limits
  • Business Loans
  • Equipment/Machinery Loan
  • Loan Against Shares
  • Buyer’s Credit
  • External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)
  • Letter of Credit
  • Post/Pre – Shipment Credit
  • Foreign Currency Term Loans
Transaction Finance Project Finance
Transaction Finance is a short-term financing arrangement, typically taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years pending the arrangement of larger or longer-term Financing. Project finance is long-term finance for infrastructure and industrial projects based upon the projected cash flows of the project instead of the balance sheets provided by Promoters.
  • Bridge Loan
  • Merger/Acquisition Finance
  • Infrastructure Funding
  • Industrial Project Finance